Its name means Chinese Horned Face from Zhucheng. It is known for its unique short hooked horn on its nose, called a nasal horn, and for its short neck frill with a series of forward-curving horns that gave it a crown-like appearance. Within this row of horns there is a series of low knobs, which is not seen on any other horned dinosaur. It was the first ceratopsid dinosaur discovered in China and the most common in its area.

Sinoceratops Zhuchengensis
Última parte del Cretácico, hace 73 millones de años
Where he lived?
Shandong en China
2.000 Kg
Sinoceratops is characterized by its nasal horn and the frill on the neck with a series of low bosses, features not found in any other horned dinosaur. It was a medium-sized quadrupedal herbivore, with an estimated length of 6 to 7 meters and a weight of around 2 to 2.3 tons. This dinosaur had no horns above the eyes, distinguishing it from other ceratopsids.
Discovery and Significance
Sinoceratops was discovered in the Xingezhuang formation in China and was first described in 2010. This discovery was significant because it represented the first ceratopsid known in China and one of the few in Asia. The discovery of this dinosaur has provided valuable information on the diversity and geographical distribution of ceratopsids.
Classification and Phylogeny
It belongs to the Centrosaurinae subfamily, being one of its largest known members. Its phylogenetic position has led to the hypothesis that ceratopsids may have originated in Asia, although it is also suggested that this genus represents a lineage that invaded Asia from North America.
Paleoecology and Habitat
It lived during the Late Cretaceous, approximately 73.5 million years ago. It coexisted with other dinosaurs like Shantungosaurus, Zhuchengtyrannus, and Zhuchengceratops, in what is now China. These discoveries indicate a diverse ecosystem where Sinoceratops played an important role as an herbivore.
Curiosities of Sinoceratops
One of the most notable curiosities about Sinoceratops is the uniqueness of its frill and the bosses on its neck. In addition to being the first ceratopsid discovered in China, this dinosaur provides valuable clues about the evolution and migration of ceratopsids in Asia.
Conclusion: A Horned Giant of Asia
Sinoceratops zhuchengensis is a dinosaur that stands out for its unique appearance and its importance in understanding the evolution of ceratopsids. At Dinosaurland, we invite you to learn more about this and other fascinating dinosaurs in our theme park. Come discover Sinoceratops and immerse yourself in the world of prehistoric giants!
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